ONce Upon a TiMe In a PlaCe Not Far AwAyyyy,- the ScIeNce CenTRe... ErNi goT PRaNked! the prank showed where she was during science lesson. shifaa concluded that during science lessons, erni was dreaming away in FAIZ land... y? ill tell u y. ONe Of The PLaCes We WeNt Was The StEam RinG ThiNgy... So ArOunD The WhoLe ThiNg TheRE Was WaTer DropLets N ShiFaa CheeKiLy Took Some WAter DroPlets N WiPe At ErNi's ShIRt... OF coURse ErnI goT Mad La... BUT...LATEr ShiFaa ThouGht Of SOmething... HAHAHAHAHA!!! The JouRNey BEgins...
ShiFaa: OMG! ERni, I just SAW a sign at the steam ring thing n it said,'BEWARE, WATER DROPLETS R ACIDIC.' (shifaa thought erni would laf it off saying that shifaa's prank made no logic.)
ErNI: OMG! SHIFAA!!! MY SHIRT!!! Y R U SO STUPID??? ( Erni made an angry face and shifaa swears, erni's face was damn pale) OMG SHIFAA!!! HURRY SHIFAA!!! FIND WATER!!( erni ran, finding for a toilet a.s.a.p)
ShIfAA: (smilesss) hehehe---> quitely..
so erni found a toilet, ran in, washed the 'acidic portion' and stared at the mirror with a shocked face. shifaa was laughing hard...
ErNi: Shifaa, Is this another prank?
SHifaa: ermmm...hahahahah...ya?
erni made a paiseyy face and ran off, shifaa was laughing all the way....hello, if an acid spilled somewhere wouldnt that surface burn immediately?
+the end+
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
SiillY bOy~!!ツ ~erni
Thiis sOng iis DAMN NIICE~!!
Well thiis sOng iis sOmethiing abOut break up..
But nah, iim nOt gOnna giive up On hiim..
Euur calliing miie mOre than ever nOw that we're dOne,
TwO keys back tO my place,
We were haviing nO fun,
But euur nOt Ok,
Telliing miie euu miish my face,
Ii remember when euu wOuld say euu hate my waiist,
Ii saiid iim nOt comiing back,
iits iit,
Euu fOOled miie Once but euu cant have that egO turniing,
Just tO bad fOr euu,
That when euu had miie
Diidnt nOe what tO dO,
Shes Over euu,
COx euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl, gurl,
Thats a keeper, k-k-k-k-keeper,
Euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl but,
Diidnt nOe hOw tO treat her, t-t-t-t-treat her [treat her]
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my hair, my hair [get Outta here]
NO, I dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
Siilly bOy [siilly bOy]
Why euu actiing siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Acting acting siilly boy?
Euu comiing wiith thOse cOrny liines,
Cant liive wiithOut miie,
I'll get sOme flOwers fOr th day that euu are buriied,
NO, peOple make miistakes
But ii just thiink euur ass iis fake
Only thiing ii want frOm euu,
Iis fOr euu tO [stay away]
Ii saiid iim nOt cOmiing back,
Iits iit,
Euu fOOled miie Once but euu cant have that egO turniing,
Just tO bad fOr euu, that when euu had miie,
Diidnt nOe what tO dO,
Shes Over euu,
COx euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl, gurl
Thats a keeper, k-k-k-k-keeper
Euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl but
Diidnt nOe hOw tO treat her, t-t-t-t-treat her [treat her]
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my haiir my haiir [Get Outta here]
NO ii dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
NO mOre, nO mOre, nO mOre [nOOO OOOhhh] [OOOh]
Silly bOy [siilly bOy]
Why euu acting siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
Silly boy [siilly bOy]
Why you acting siilly bOy?
Silly boy boy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my haiir my haiir [Get Outta here]
NO I dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
Siilly bOy [silly bOy]
Why euu actiing siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
Thiis sOng iis DAMN NIICE~!!
Well thiis sOng iis sOmethiing abOut break up..
But nah, iim nOt gOnna giive up On hiim..
Euur calliing miie mOre than ever nOw that we're dOne,
TwO keys back tO my place,
We were haviing nO fun,
But euur nOt Ok,
Telliing miie euu miish my face,
Ii remember when euu wOuld say euu hate my waiist,
Ii saiid iim nOt comiing back,
iits iit,
Euu fOOled miie Once but euu cant have that egO turniing,
Just tO bad fOr euu,
That when euu had miie
Diidnt nOe what tO dO,
Shes Over euu,
COx euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl, gurl,
Thats a keeper, k-k-k-k-keeper,
Euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl but,
Diidnt nOe hOw tO treat her, t-t-t-t-treat her [treat her]
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my hair, my hair [get Outta here]
NO, I dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
Siilly bOy [siilly bOy]
Why euu actiing siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Acting acting siilly boy?
Euu comiing wiith thOse cOrny liines,
Cant liive wiithOut miie,
I'll get sOme flOwers fOr th day that euu are buriied,
NO, peOple make miistakes
But ii just thiink euur ass iis fake
Only thiing ii want frOm euu,
Iis fOr euu tO [stay away]
Ii saiid iim nOt cOmiing back,
Iits iit,
Euu fOOled miie Once but euu cant have that egO turniing,
Just tO bad fOr euu, that when euu had miie,
Diidnt nOe what tO dO,
Shes Over euu,
COx euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl, gurl
Thats a keeper, k-k-k-k-keeper
Euu had a gOOd gurl, gOOd gurl but
Diidnt nOe hOw tO treat her, t-t-t-t-treat her [treat her]
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my haiir my haiir [Get Outta here]
NO ii dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
NO mOre, nO mOre, nO mOre [nOOO OOOhhh] [OOOh]
Silly bOy [siilly bOy]
Why euu acting siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
Silly boy [siilly bOy]
Why you acting siilly bOy?
Silly boy boy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
SO siilly bOy get Out my face [my face]
Why dO euu liike th way regrets taste?
SO siilly bOy get Out my haiir my haiir [Get Outta here]
NO I dOnt want euu nO mOre [get Outta here]
Siilly bOy [silly bOy]
Why euu actiing siilly bOy?
Siilly bOy bOy [bOybOy]
Actiing actiing siilly bOy?
ElO blOggers~!!
TOday sO hyper siiah~!!
Then duriing CME ii gOt puniish 4 laughiing at ZY and mermaiid..
Warh sO paiiseh siiah..
Ii need tO liift up 1 leg and hOld iit untiil sOme1 stOp..
But iin th end ii wOn~!!
Pei Feng lOse tO a gurl..
Even wOrst~!!
Then after schOOl gOt sup, sO ii went wiith Shiifaa tO th canteen..
Reach iinsiide th AVA rOOm already, ChristOpher laugh at miie..
My table was wet cOx ii put my piink dOlphiin bOttle at th table..
That alsO want tO laugh..
AyO, SIOW~!!!
Then he want shOw Off..
ShOw Off hiis $50 nOte..
Warh seyh~!!
He thiink he sO riich arzh~?!
Lyke 1 shyt siiah~!!
Briing $50 nOte 4 wat?!
L8ter lOst then hOw?!
Waste ryte?!
Ii briing $30 Only, he briing $50 4 wat?!
Then he shOw Off agaiin..
Feel lyke smackiing hiis UGLY face~!!
Iirriitatiing siiah..
Then when ii fiightiing wiith hiim, Xueyu sO extra say that we bOth sO lame..
Then ii step On her shOe..
Mr ChOng saw siiah~!!
Then scOld us..
Then stupiid ChriistOpher laugh at miie..
KA NA SAI larh~!!
Then when ii want gO back hOme, saw FAT ASS~!![DARYL]
He say "KITTY, euu miish euur bus!!"
Then ii was lyke "SO?!"
Then ii bcame hyper agaiin..
When Daryl's bus came, Xing YOu pull hiim sO that he wiill miish hiis bus tOO..
SO ii gO help Xing YOu, ii unziip Daryl's bag then Xing YOu gO take hiis penciil bOx~!!!!
SO FUNNY~!!!!!!
Then stupiid Daryl, he gO and take hiis bus..
SO Xing YOu keep hiis penciil bOx lOrh~!!!
Then i went meet my STEP-FATHER tO take my 2nd present frOm my mOm..
Ii gOt a bracellet~!!
SO niice man~!!!
Well thats all fOr nOw~!!
KK bye-bye~!!!
TOday sO hyper siiah~!!
Then duriing CME ii gOt puniish 4 laughiing at ZY and mermaiid..
Warh sO paiiseh siiah..
Ii need tO liift up 1 leg and hOld iit untiil sOme1 stOp..
But iin th end ii wOn~!!
Pei Feng lOse tO a gurl..
Even wOrst~!!
Then after schOOl gOt sup, sO ii went wiith Shiifaa tO th canteen..
Reach iinsiide th AVA rOOm already, ChristOpher laugh at miie..
My table was wet cOx ii put my piink dOlphiin bOttle at th table..
That alsO want tO laugh..
AyO, SIOW~!!!
Then he want shOw Off..
ShOw Off hiis $50 nOte..
Warh seyh~!!
He thiink he sO riich arzh~?!
Lyke 1 shyt siiah~!!
Briing $50 nOte 4 wat?!
L8ter lOst then hOw?!
Waste ryte?!
Ii briing $30 Only, he briing $50 4 wat?!
Then he shOw Off agaiin..
Feel lyke smackiing hiis UGLY face~!!
Iirriitatiing siiah..
Then when ii fiightiing wiith hiim, Xueyu sO extra say that we bOth sO lame..
Then ii step On her shOe..
Mr ChOng saw siiah~!!
Then scOld us..
Then stupiid ChriistOpher laugh at miie..
KA NA SAI larh~!!
Then when ii want gO back hOme, saw FAT ASS~!![DARYL]
He say "KITTY, euu miish euur bus!!"
Then ii was lyke "SO?!"
Then ii bcame hyper agaiin..
When Daryl's bus came, Xing YOu pull hiim sO that he wiill miish hiis bus tOO..
SO ii gO help Xing YOu, ii unziip Daryl's bag then Xing YOu gO take hiis penciil bOx~!!!!
SO FUNNY~!!!!!!
Then stupiid Daryl, he gO and take hiis bus..
SO Xing YOu keep hiis penciil bOx lOrh~!!!
Then i went meet my STEP-FATHER tO take my 2nd present frOm my mOm..
Ii gOt a bracellet~!!
SO niice man~!!!
Well thats all fOr nOw~!!
KK bye-bye~!!!
Monday, August 10, 2009
BORED~!!! ~ erni
Ii am sO bOred right nOw..
Ii diid nOt went Out 2day, sO feeliing liike a biird stuck iin a cage..
Ii thOught Of gOing Out wiith my grandma tO shOp 4 awhiile but siince she iis just nOt iin th mOOd, iim sO BORED~!!!
Ii wanted tO buy a cap, i dunnO y but ii feel liike iit..
Yesterday went tO my grandma's wOrk place..
Saw thiis beautiiful cap but iit iis sO damn expensive..
But iits sO damn niice..
And ii cant fiind any cap that iis that niice..
Such a waste, ii shOuld have bOught iit..
Anyway, ii really hate thiis sOme1..
He/She liikes tO fliirt alOt..
I wOnt reveal th gender thO..
Ii have tO say, sOme Of my friiends dOnt liike that persOn tOO..
Even Shifaa agrees wiith miie..
Well that persOn liike tO act cOOl and thOught that he/she is handsOme/pretty when th actual fact iis that he/she is SO DAMN UGLY~!!!
Ii really hate that persOn..
Well, maybe when th tiime iis riight, ii wiill reveal whO iit iis..
Be patiient..
BTW, ii stiill miish hiim sO damn much..
Oh yarh, b4 ii 4get,
And ii diid th pledge tOO..
Ii m guai kia marh..
Well, thats all 4 nOw..
Shall stOp th crap nOw..
Ii am sO bOred right nOw..
Ii diid nOt went Out 2day, sO feeliing liike a biird stuck iin a cage..
Ii thOught Of gOing Out wiith my grandma tO shOp 4 awhiile but siince she iis just nOt iin th mOOd, iim sO BORED~!!!
Ii wanted tO buy a cap, i dunnO y but ii feel liike iit..
Yesterday went tO my grandma's wOrk place..
Saw thiis beautiiful cap but iit iis sO damn expensive..
But iits sO damn niice..
And ii cant fiind any cap that iis that niice..
Such a waste, ii shOuld have bOught iit..
Anyway, ii really hate thiis sOme1..
He/She liikes tO fliirt alOt..
I wOnt reveal th gender thO..
Ii have tO say, sOme Of my friiends dOnt liike that persOn tOO..
Even Shifaa agrees wiith miie..
Well that persOn liike tO act cOOl and thOught that he/she is handsOme/pretty when th actual fact iis that he/she is SO DAMN UGLY~!!!
Ii really hate that persOn..
Well, maybe when th tiime iis riight, ii wiill reveal whO iit iis..
Be patiient..
BTW, ii stiill miish hiim sO damn much..
Oh yarh, b4 ii 4get,
And ii diid th pledge tOO..
Ii m guai kia marh..
Well, thats all 4 nOw..
Shall stOp th crap nOw..
Sunday, August 9, 2009
EverYtimE wE tOuch.. ♥~erni
Liisten tO th sOng and understand iit..
COx thiis sOng iis fOr euu, FAIZ.. :)
Ii stiill hear euur vOice,
When you sleep next to miie,
Ii stiill feel euur tOuch iin my dreams,
FOrgiive miie my weakness,
But ii dOn't knOw why,
WiithOut euu iit's hard tO surviive,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii feel th statiic.
And everytiime we kiiss,
Ii reach fOr th sky,
Can't euu hear my heart beat sO...
Ii can't let euu gO,
Want euu iin my liife,
Euur arms are my castle,
Euur heart iis my sky,
They wiipe away tears that ii cry,
Th gOOd and th bad tiimes,
We've been thrOugh them all,
Euu make miie riise when ii fall,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii feel the statiic,
And everytiime we kiiss,
Ii reach for th sky,
Can't euu hear my heart beat sO...
Ii can't let euu gO,
Want euu iin my liife,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
Understand the sOng?
Iit meant that i realiise hOw iimpOrtant euu r tO miie..
Ii want iit tO last wiithOut any endiing..
Ii need euu by my siide..
Ii cant let euu gO, cOx ii want euu iin my liife.
Get iit?
Cathy sOng huh?
COx thiis sOng iis fOr euu, FAIZ.. :)
Ii stiill hear euur vOice,
When you sleep next to miie,
Ii stiill feel euur tOuch iin my dreams,
FOrgiive miie my weakness,
But ii dOn't knOw why,
WiithOut euu iit's hard tO surviive,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii feel th statiic.
And everytiime we kiiss,
Ii reach fOr th sky,
Can't euu hear my heart beat sO...
Ii can't let euu gO,
Want euu iin my liife,
Euur arms are my castle,
Euur heart iis my sky,
They wiipe away tears that ii cry,
Th gOOd and th bad tiimes,
We've been thrOugh them all,
Euu make miie riise when ii fall,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii feel the statiic,
And everytiime we kiiss,
Ii reach for th sky,
Can't euu hear my heart beat sO...
Ii can't let euu gO,
Want euu iin my liife,
COx everytiime we tOuch,
Ii get thiis feeliing,
And everytiime we kiiss ii swear ii could fly,
Can't euu feel my heart beat fast,
Ii want thiis tO last,
Need euu by my siide,
Understand the sOng?
Iit meant that i realiise hOw iimpOrtant euu r tO miie..
Ii want iit tO last wiithOut any endiing..
Ii need euu by my siide..
Ii cant let euu gO, cOx ii want euu iin my liife.
Get iit?
Cathy sOng huh?
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Y cant ii 4get euu, FAIZ?? ~erni

Ii have nO mOOd tO talk abOut what happen tOday..
But its quite fun..
But my maiin fOcus 4 thiis pOst is abOut my crush, FAIZ~!!!!
Yesh, ii admiit that ii liike hiim..
OmiigOsh, ii havent seen hiim 4 8 mOnths already~!!
Cant take iit..
He iis everythiing tO miie, and nOw he iignOre miie..
What shyt larh~!!
He iis my fiirst and last crush..
Iis it pOssiible 4 miie tO 4get abOut hiim easiily?
Y must ii meet hiim?
Ii hate iit..
Ii just hOpe that ii wiill be able tO 4get hiim..
Ii need tO fOcus On miie studiies..
Ii have tO 4get hiim..
Ii have tO cOntiinue my liife wiithOut hiim..
Ii have tO carry On..
Ii have tO..
DunnO liOw..
Wanna nOe hOw he lOOk liike?
Well he iis On the extreme right On the piic..
The bOy whO iis crOssiing hiis arm iis FAIZ~!!!
What an iidiiotiic smiile..
But yet, ii stiill liike hiim..
What kiind Of a freak am ii?
Y bOther..
He wiill ALWAYS be iin my heart..
NO 1 can replace hiim at all..
Even iif he hurts miie feeliings, ii dOnt nOe y i stiill have a crush On hiim..
Ii hate iit~!!
Ii even wOnder iif he stiill remember abOut miie..
Ii just hOpe that 1 day, ii can fiind sOme1 that iis better than hiim and can make me 4get abOut hiim..
Iits nOt liike iim gOnna cOnfess miie feeliings tOward hiim nOw, cOx iits tOO late..
Liike he wiill ever nOe abOut iit..
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
QUiiXX tIIme~!! ~erni
Ok ii gOt a lOt Of quiiz iin my facebOOk acc, sO credits tO me~!!! :D
1. You & your ex
- nO eX~ nEEd coNTinuE wiTh stUdiES =D
2. What are you listening to
- erm, NoThingZzz
3. Maybe I should
- dO soMethIng craZy [LOLx~]
4. I love
- mY DARlinGZzz a.k.a clOse FRienDZzz
5. I don't understand
- abOUt lOve [LOLx~]
6. I have lost my respect for
– nO 1.. -.-"
7. I last ate
- rICe [wiTH eGG, fish, soup & chiCken !!]
1. Is your hair wet?
- NopE..
2. Is your cell phone right by you?
- nOPe .. [In mY oTher rOOm]
3. Do you miss someone?
- eRM, yarH [LOLx~]
4. Are you wearing chap stick?
- whaT is ThaT??
5. Are you tired?
- Not REalLy..
6. Are you wearing pajamas?
- NO !! [LOLx~ itz only 5 p.m nOw]
7. Are you mad?
- sOMetIMeZzz [LOLx~]
Are you shy?
~Erm, dEPEndZzz
Could things possibly get any better?
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
nOPe, SlepT peaCEfuLLy.. =D
Has there been anyone particular on your mind at all today?
erM, yeSH [bLUSh]._.
Do you ever crack your knuckles/ back/ ankles/ wrists/ etc?
DUrhh !!
Could you date someone taller than you?
erM, DePEndZzz
Do you need to say anything to someone?
erm, NoT reaLLy..
Honestly, does your crush like you back?
HaHA dURhh!! last tiME , nT sure if He stILL likE me..[LOLx~]
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
erM, nO answER.. maYbe , MayBe nT.. [LOLx~]
Do you wear glasses?
OMG !! nO !!
Lyrics from the song you're listening to?
im nT lisTeninG tO anYthIng..
Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
nT evEn 1 seCOndZzz
Honestly, what's running through your mind?
erM, abOut sOme1.. ._.
Have you ever asked a girl for advice?
erm , DURHhh !!
Ever kissed under water?
Aww , thAt wOuld Be rOmanTic !! bt LOLx~ NO!!
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
erM , yeSTeRdaY.. =D
How late did you stay up last night?
cANt reMEMBEr..
Do you think boys truly understand girls?
nO iDEA..
What is one word you seem to always misspell that you know you shouldn't?
erM , wItch .. LOLx~
What was the last movie you watched?
HArrY pOttER & the halF bLooD pRincE !!
Last song played more than three times?
sTar stRucK , LAdy GAgA..
Last person to fall asleep with?
erM , dOes teDDy beAr coUnt?? LOLx~
Ever skip class?
nt Even oNce.. sEE i sO gUAi.. LOLx~
What color is your room?
wHite & oRAnge !! =D
Who'd you have lunch with?
HEhe cNNt teLL eUU..
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?
mY faMIly lARh !! aYo !!
Are you ticklish?
dURH !! caNt tAke It !! LOLx~
Does your ex have a job?
nO eX LARh !! dUMB Ass !!
How many piercings do you have?
2 BUt cloSe liAW.
Have you held hands with anybody in the past week?
LOLx~ yeSh.. ._.
Do you want any tattoos?
nT evEn a DoT !!
Will you cry at your wedding?
i HavE nO idEA..
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
yArh i weAr My mom's 1 [dAMn big, i Look reTArd !! LOLx~]
What are your plans for the weekend?
I hAve No idEA maN ..
You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get?
sIaW arZh !!
Do you have a little sister?
nOPe LIttlE bRo.. CUTE!!
Do you like Taylor Swift?
OK OK larH..
Last time you were heart broken?
NEvER.. =D alWAys haPPy ..
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
erM, CloSe
Have you ever dated a soccer player?
nO !! i dONt lIke sOcCer..
Do you hope your children are like you one day?
LOLx~ NO !! i M pessimist.
Do you take walks often?
Needles aren't so horrible?
OMG !! i HATE It !
Do you like meeting new people?
Would you rather have long or short hair?
sHoRt, iT suIts wiTh my FacE..
Favorite book that was made into a movie?
OmG !! a LOtZzz !!
Ii m 13 but ii act as 11.. :P
[ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You've done your own laundry
[ ] You can vote in an election
[ ] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are interesting
[ ] You show up for school late a lot
[x] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket
[X] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[ ] You drink caffeine at least once a week (Consume actually)
[X] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[X] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[ ] You study even when you don't have to
[ ] You have hand washed a car before
[X] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[X] You can type pretty quick.
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[X] You have been to the beach
[X] You use the internet every day
[ ] You have been outside of the united states 3 or more times
[ ] You make your bed in the morning
***Repost this with the subject as: I'm (how old you are) but I act (what you got on the test)***the number of people you have to tag is the number you got on the test
1. You & your ex
- nO eX~ nEEd coNTinuE wiTh stUdiES =D
2. What are you listening to
- erm, NoThingZzz
3. Maybe I should
- dO soMethIng craZy [LOLx~]
4. I love
- mY DARlinGZzz a.k.a clOse FRienDZzz
5. I don't understand
- abOUt lOve [LOLx~]
6. I have lost my respect for
– nO 1.. -.-"
7. I last ate
- rICe [wiTH eGG, fish, soup & chiCken !!]
1. Is your hair wet?
- NopE..
2. Is your cell phone right by you?
- nOPe .. [In mY oTher rOOm]
3. Do you miss someone?
- eRM, yarH [LOLx~]
4. Are you wearing chap stick?
- whaT is ThaT??
5. Are you tired?
- Not REalLy..
6. Are you wearing pajamas?
- NO !! [LOLx~ itz only 5 p.m nOw]
7. Are you mad?
- sOMetIMeZzz [LOLx~]
Are you shy?
~Erm, dEPEndZzz
Could things possibly get any better?
Did you wake up in the middle of the night last night?
nOPe, SlepT peaCEfuLLy.. =D
Has there been anyone particular on your mind at all today?
erM, yeSH [bLUSh]._.
Do you ever crack your knuckles/ back/ ankles/ wrists/ etc?
DUrhh !!
Could you date someone taller than you?
erM, DePEndZzz
Do you need to say anything to someone?
erm, NoT reaLLy..
Honestly, does your crush like you back?
HaHA dURhh!! last tiME , nT sure if He stILL likE me..[LOLx~]
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
erM, nO answER.. maYbe , MayBe nT.. [LOLx~]
Do you wear glasses?
OMG !! nO !!
Lyrics from the song you're listening to?
im nT lisTeninG tO anYthIng..
Did you go outside for more than 30 minutes today?
nT evEn 1 seCOndZzz
Honestly, what's running through your mind?
erM, abOut sOme1.. ._.
Have you ever asked a girl for advice?
erm , DURHhh !!
Ever kissed under water?
Aww , thAt wOuld Be rOmanTic !! bt LOLx~ NO!!
When was the last time you were told you were cute?
erM , yeSTeRdaY.. =D
How late did you stay up last night?
cANt reMEMBEr..
Do you think boys truly understand girls?
nO iDEA..
What is one word you seem to always misspell that you know you shouldn't?
erM , wItch .. LOLx~
What was the last movie you watched?
HArrY pOttER & the halF bLooD pRincE !!
Last song played more than three times?
sTar stRucK , LAdy GAgA..
Last person to fall asleep with?
erM , dOes teDDy beAr coUnt?? LOLx~
Ever skip class?
nt Even oNce.. sEE i sO gUAi.. LOLx~
What color is your room?
wHite & oRAnge !! =D
Who'd you have lunch with?
HEhe cNNt teLL eUU..
Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?
mY faMIly lARh !! aYo !!
Are you ticklish?
dURH !! caNt tAke It !! LOLx~
Does your ex have a job?
nO eX LARh !! dUMB Ass !!
How many piercings do you have?
2 BUt cloSe liAW.
Have you held hands with anybody in the past week?
LOLx~ yeSh.. ._.
Do you want any tattoos?
nT evEn a DoT !!
Will you cry at your wedding?
i HavE nO idEA..
Are you wearing any clothes that don’t belong to you?
yArh i weAr My mom's 1 [dAMn big, i Look reTArd !! LOLx~]
What are your plans for the weekend?
I hAve No idEA maN ..
You have to get a facial piercing, what do you get?
sIaW arZh !!
Do you have a little sister?
nOPe LIttlE bRo.. CUTE!!
Do you like Taylor Swift?
OK OK larH..
Last time you were heart broken?
NEvER.. =D alWAys haPPy ..
Do you sleep with the door open or closed?
erM, CloSe
Have you ever dated a soccer player?
nO !! i dONt lIke sOcCer..
Do you hope your children are like you one day?
LOLx~ NO !! i M pessimist.
Do you take walks often?
Needles aren't so horrible?
OMG !! i HATE It !
Do you like meeting new people?
Would you rather have long or short hair?
sHoRt, iT suIts wiTh my FacE..
Favorite book that was made into a movie?
OmG !! a LOtZzz !!
Ii m 13 but ii act as 11.. :P
[ ] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own a credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You've done your own laundry
[ ] You can vote in an election
[ ] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are interesting
[ ] You show up for school late a lot
[x] You always carry a pen/pencil in your bag/purse/pocket
[X] You've never gotten a detention
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday
[x] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You know what credibility means, without looking it up
[ ] You drink caffeine at least once a week (Consume actually)
[X] You know how to do the dishes
[x] You can count to 10 in another language
[X] When you say you're going to do something you do it
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[ ] You study even when you don't have to
[ ] You have hand washed a car before
[X] You can spell experience, without looking it up
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[X] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[X] You can type pretty quick.
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that practically no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job.
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[X] You have been to the beach
[X] You use the internet every day
[ ] You have been outside of the united states 3 or more times
[ ] You make your bed in the morning
***Repost this with the subject as: I'm (how old you are) but I act (what you got on the test)***the number of people you have to tag is the number you got on the test
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